Founder Martha Rossini Olson holding a bucket of cookies

Our Story

They don’t call Martha Rossini Olson “sweet” for nothing. St. Paul native Martha (you may know her as Sweet Martha) and her three business partners – Gary Olson and Neil & Brenda O’Leary – have been selling fresh-from-the-oven chocolate chip cookies for over 40 years. And to think it was part luck, as Martha says.

What is now a cookie empire, producing 3 million cookies per day of the Minnesota State Fair, began humbly, with one 9x11 booth in 1979. Now, 40+ years later, you can find Sweet Martha’s at Twin Cities’ events, as well as our frozen cookie dough in area grocery stores, and, of course, every summer at the Minnesota State Fair. 

Try a cone, or perhaps a pail, of cookies for yourself. As Martha says, “Some say our cookies taste better than Mom’s...”


Sweet Martha’s: From Past to Present

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